Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Fact: Vampires are fucking lame.

I don't like vampires. I've talked about this a lot, but seriously, I do not like them. I like make-believe things (Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, LORD OF THE RINGS) and I like real things (The Mists of Avalon- uh yeah it was real. Trust) but I do NOT like vampires.

Ever since Buffy the Vampire Slayer I've had a slight distaste for vampires and people who are fans of them. I judge you. I judge you because I don't understand you, and that's how most judgment rolls. I fear the unknown. I don't fear vampires because they're not real, but I DO fear the people who think vampires are real.

And now we're going through Twilight-mania, which reminds me of New Kids On the Block mania, except now we're dealing with sullen, pale, moody crankpots and not adorable cute dudes from Boston. I supposed vampires make sense- some kids feel isolated, especially teenagers, and need something to relate to. I think the overwhelming majority, though, just love the taste of blood. And since they're not quite ready for Anne Rice and misguided trips to New Orleans, Twilight will have to do.

I was at Barnes and Noble this weekend and stumbled upon a display of vampire romances. Vampire. Romances. What is romantic about vampires? The fact that they have to fight a specific desire? You know that they're not fighting their love for the non-vampire crowd, they're fighting their desire to SUCK YOUR BLOOD.

Just stop with the vampires already. It's weird.


  1. Of course the readers know that the vampires are fighting the urge to suck their blood and NOT the other thing you said that doesn't make sense. That's what makes it thrilling.

    And the Vampire Romance display is because people can't get enough of Vampires. And if there are more Vampires sexily fighting the urge to suck your blood then more people will buy the books and you have to appreciate this sales tactic in such harsh economic times, Meaghan!

    Anyway, I don't like vampires either.

  2. You stop it right now you're only saying that because you work for B&N.

    And it makes sense. Vampires aren't fighting their LOVE for people who aren't vampires (NON-VAMPIRES) but they're fighting SUCKING YOUR BLOOD and HOW IS THAT ROMANTIC? Most romances are all, "OMG I can't be with you I can't accept love" but this nonsense is, "I could totally be with you if I didn't like the taste of hemoglobin."

  3. You know what's sad to me? Grown women getting all caught up in this Twilight bullshit. Like my boyfriend's best friend's wife (whoa, that'a a mouthful!). She's soooo into Twilight (granted, she's sooo into anything that's trendy, because she's a follower like that). So much so, that she dressed as a vampire for Halloween. WTF? I mean, granted, a vampire is a classic Halloween costume, but it was one of those sexier, vampires. And it was totally because she's a Twilight dork. My eyes could not roll hard enough.

  4. You know what else I hate? Random, incorrect commas. Please ignore that one running around in my above post.

  5. There is nothing sadder than a woman who wants to be fucked by a vampire. For serious.
